Why did I choose the Canon 1000D (Digital Rebel XS)? Here's what I've learned from various sources about cameras:
What Kind of Pictures Do You Want to Take?
What's the Best Camera to Take Them With?
* Scenics - DSC or DSLR
* Planetary - Webcam
* Deep-sky - CCD or DSLR
Canon DSLR's are standard, then Nikon in second
Good points about the Canon 1000D (Digital Rebel XS):
Low noise (Canon is typically better)
High sensitivity
Good signal to noise ratio
Live-view focusing
Single-Cable operation
It'll double as a daytime camera that's much better than what I already have (cell phones have more megapixels)
I can start learning to take scenic astrophotos without the worry of telescopes and tracking, etc. and then upgrade to attaching it to a telescope.
So, for a modest $450, it fit the budget well, allowing me to take scenic pictures on a tripod and Deep-Sky images through the Celestron SCT. I'll probably try it through the EON refractor, too, just to see what happens. Most of the info came from http://www.astropix.com/HTML/I_ASTROP/CAMERAS.HTM
I did get a zoom lens as well, which will likely be used.
Needed: T-ring adapter for attachment to the scope
Adapter for >30 sec. exposure